Hellooow, aku mau cerita dikit yah.
Kelasku yah,
ini nih, walikelasnya pak Syamsul Bahri S.Pd
orangnya gimana yaah, umunya gimana laki-laki itulah pak Syamsul haihihihi,
Nickname nya Pak Syamsul itu Mr.Sam haha,
lalu Ketua kelasnya Rizky Aulia, perempuan ya dia ini.
Sejujurnya yah ni anak pelupa bener -___-
liat buku dia aja g life with photoshop masih ada dengan aku, aku lupa balikin, eh
dia ga ingat sama sekali aku minjem buku dia, trs dia ini suka bersilat lidah haha
maklum calon politikus o,o sebut saja nama dia Ekky hihihi
yaah lumayan pinar bicara kok orgnya. Agak stress juga sih nih anak hihi
tapi yaah gahol gitu men orangnya hahahaha xD
dan wakil ketuanya si Rino Wiranata, aku ga tau nih kelebihan dia apaa, yang
aku tau cuman dia itu tingi item dan sepupunya si ekky
Sekretaris I siti hardianti, biasa sih aku manggil dia siti, aduh baik banget orangnya, gak pelit ilmu
hahaha muslimah looh, manis juga orangnya.
Sekretaris II YAAAK itu aku sendiri Sarah Feby Karktika hahahaha 3:)
bener deh pekerjaan sekretaris itu sulit, aku sering di bantu Siti hehehe, aturan kebalik kan aku yang seharusnya bantu Siti ini engga, malah Siti yang bantu aku, makasih ya Siti :*
Bendahara I yaitu Anita Yasmin, orangya yaah baik kok, anak Karya Ilmiah cyiin,
dia pintar banget bikin yang berbau Karya Ilmiah, kita panggil aja dia Nita.
Bendahara II Nabila Nur Annisa Rawi hahahaha, nih kita panggil Shesa men, dia suka
beneer denger lagu sampe susah manggil dia 0,o
orangnya easy going, ga glamour gitu, trs dia juga ramah, penari juga kayak si Nita
Shesa sayang binatang nih, kami suka cerita binatang peliharaan kalo kami lgi berbincang.
kelas aku juga ada berbagai sekbid huahaha!
Sekbid Kesenian nih.,
Ardian Fikri, Siti Maidina, Ferdiansyah
Sekbid Keamanan,
Zulman Maulana, Bima Aulia, M.Refkiansyah
Sekbid Olahraga,
Nicko Nurman, Yogi Pramudya, M.Ilham
Sekbid Perlengkapan,
Ruri Kartika, Amelia Yeza, Rosalines Tamara, Ahmad Arief, Achmad Mirza
Sekbid Kesenian,
M.Abdurahmansiddiq, Edo Leonardo, Imam Alief Nugroho.
Sekbid Ketaqwaan,
Mery Crisyanti, M. Ihksan
yaaah maaf deh ya aku ga cerita tentang semuanya soalnya banyak banget ntar bosen lagi kalian bacanyaa.
aku juga minta maaf loh kalo nama2 yang tertera itu salah dikit hehehe.
Dan aku juga berharap, kalo anak XI.IPS.1 itu bisa kompak, sehat terus, sepikiran, dan ga ada saling mengambil dan selalu sehati!!! AMIN O:)
Life it's just like a falling star, a beautiful moment in one minute, beautiful as they emits light before reaching the mainland and the stardust following the star until the lights changing into dark.
Jumat, 30 September 2011
Selasa, 27 September 2011
What Day it is? Sh*t
What day it is? and then what month, i felt all blue and black. I hate this daym i don't know why, i'm having badmood right now! This morning, when i go to school i'm late -__-" cause this blog and i must printed a picture, (Football uniform) eeerrrggghhh i hate it, and my dad's a little bit mad at me, and my cousin amanda late because of me too! i'm so sorry guys :( and in the efternoon, i went to my course Richmond, there's homework and i've been doing the homework but i don't know why, some of them were false 0,o Shit man! and stephen, my teacher just realized im different today. And also my aunt she's really fussy today, she's asked me to call Indovision's and she's even doesn't has their number! what a dumb o.o she's scold me man! ooh shit thats not my fault. it is?
And this damn laptop! what happend whit this! there's some virus! where are they come from?!
im so sorry today, i dont have any good mood! just Bad Mood! sometimes i feel calm when i saw HIM :)
hahahahahahahaha. HIM? do you know HIM? a-aaaa. you don't know HIM, see you next entri :*
wish you read the next one and maybe someday you'll find or know about HIM hahahaha.!
and im so sorry in this entri there's a lot bad word.
Six Bestfriend♥ (I don't know where is this name come from hihi)
I have 5 Best Friends, some of us meet in junior high school and some of us just meet in senior high school!
1. Ruri Kartika (Uik) = She's also my classmate and my chairmate(XI.IPS.1), i love her also. Uik loved to make her friends jealous :p
She's also an energetic girls, and hahaha yeah, she's quiet unique too, cause .. her condition is depend on her
mood or when she's got stressed she's start to got an ill. first time i saw uik, when im doing some test to enter
my new senior high school, i just think that uik is strange -,- (sorry honey) and her eyes! i was scared when i look
at her eyes haha, and she's in a bad condition when we do that test. And after i did some test that thanks God
i passed the test, when i come into my new class(XF) i saw her and i was surprised. Before we knew each other,
i seat with Claritha Anggi, she's my friend from junior high school.
Me and Anggi were talking about Uik cause she's always staring out us. But i don't even know, now we're best
friend and we love to do some crazy things with each other.
2. Enno Amartiwi (ENYO) = i've just meet this lovely and childish girl, her childishness always making me laugh and we love to hugging and
kissing(just cheek) each other. She's also give me some carresingly, and she's cheerful girl too, and she's like
to make me feel embarrased and happy, because she's always give me some approbation.
And we like to walked together after scool because our house quiet near from the school.
3. Clarissa Anjani Putri(Rissa) = We already know each other since i was in the first junior high school, cause we're in the same school
but we're not a close friend. But now we're Six Bestfriend hell yeaah !!! hahaha. Rissa is a obdurate girl,
when we give some advice or sometimes we're counseled her, she's never want to hear it SERIOUSLY
She's quiet girly and feminine. And rissa wanna be a doctor haham she's loved to imagine something.
She's little bit sobbed sister. But i love her still hhehe
4. Yoan Silvi Aulia(Oan) = This Girl? heeeeem, hihihihi i just can't stop laughing! she's so funny and she's also crazy -,-
Oan also like Eno, Childish, but both of them having the different of childish (?) Oan love rap music,
and she's a little bit obdurate like rissa too! but that's okay haha.
5. Aruqmaana Rasyid(Aruq) = Aruq such a busy girl, but we also missed her cause she's little bit difficult to go out with us, yeah we
Understand that she's nusy but we really want having some times with her :') And sometimes i feel
confused but thats okey honey :* keep goin and keep spirit we always supporting you. She's also leisurely
So, i think just this from me about six best friend. Thats not including me haha.! Okay my Best friend i just want that we're always together, I LOVE you Gurls SO MUCH :* xoxo!
i'll never forget you hahaha! as you know readers, we always do some crazy things
and you maybe just laugh when you read this, i dont really clever in writting a blog
like this, so im so sorry if i do some mistaken.
but i want you to wait my new entri
we will meet again.
If there any quiestion about our six best friend
just Send me an e-mail or comment this entri okaay??!
maybe i'll telling you and answer your question as soon as possible. Sometimes i think that we're a Character from a story.
hahaha, udah deh ya makin malam makin ga nyambung ntar, aku ngantuk banget, sekali lagi maksih banyaak dan salam sejahtera yaa :*
hihihihihihihihi I LOVE YOU ALL!!!
Senin, 26 September 2011
What is this?
Seriously, i don't understand what i'm talking about in this blog.
But maybe you can help me to make it yeaah just funny and quiet amazing.
first of all, this is my second blog, the first blog i don't even remember the password or the e-mail
I just remember, the first blog is about my favorite movie. yeah its transformer.
Apasih sarah, emang ada yang nanya film favoritmu apaan -___-"
yaaah beneran deh aku minta bantuan kalian tentang blog ini, kalo ada yaah tinggal comment aja, kalo ga send me an e-mail. i'll be waiting.
But maybe you can help me to make it yeaah just funny and quiet amazing.
first of all, this is my second blog, the first blog i don't even remember the password or the e-mail
I just remember, the first blog is about my favorite movie. yeah its transformer.
Apasih sarah, emang ada yang nanya film favoritmu apaan -___-"
yaaah beneran deh aku minta bantuan kalian tentang blog ini, kalo ada yaah tinggal comment aja, kalo ga send me an e-mail. i'll be waiting.
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